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For more information, please reach out to Info@AAGPonline.org.
Please join us for a remote IMG Interest Group meeting on Monday, May13th from 7pm-8pm. The agenda is to facilitate a meeting place for IMGs in geriatric psychiatry and discuss the role and opportunities for IMGs in geriatric psychiatry, challenges unique to IMGs and ways to overcome barriers. Please use the link below: https://yale.zoom.us/j/92638851379 Hope…
AAGP Public Policy Committee Quarterly Meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95015975690?pwd=WXVxZExTTyszVkk4Um5zcGR1eTB5dz09 Meeting ID: 950 1597 5690 Passcode: 694833 Please reach out info@aagponline.org for more information.
AAGP Board of Director's Meeting, 6:30-7:30 pm Eastern. Contact info@aagponline.org
For more information, please reach out to Info@AAGPonline.org.
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