Latest Job Posting

Geriatric Psychiatrist Position with Clinical and Teaching Opportunities in Model Dementia Care Outpatient Program

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Hospital Based Outpatient Clinic Geriatric Psychiatrist- Fridley,MN

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Division/Fellowship Director, Geriatric Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry

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Inpatient Geropsychiatrist – Cleveland Clinic

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Welcome to the AAGP job center. We provide full and part time geriatric psychiatry positions at organizations across the country. A 90-day job posting is $500 (or $400 for AAGP members). Purchase a job listing online today! If you'd like to renew an existing listing, you can extend it for 90 days for only $300.

Working in Geriatric Psychiatry

Geriatric psychiatry is on the cutting edge of the revolution in the biomedical sciences. It offers rich opportunities for research in geriatric mood disorders, dementia, delirium, anxiety disorders, late-life psychotic disorders, and health services. Approaches range from studying the implementation of psychosocial therapies to translational biomedical research studying genetic and biochemical factors associated with geriatric mood disorders.

Man helping up an elderly
senior-women-giving-each-other-high-five 1

Career Satisfaction

"In a national survey of fellows who had trained in geriatric medicine and psychiatry, the vast majority of former fellows expressed satisfaction with their current work. Satisfaction with a career choice in geriatrics was significantly greater among those physicians who had practices with large numbers of patients over 75, accepted Medicare assignment, spent their time as clinician-researchers, and had a medical school appointment."

- Siu, Al; Beck, JC;
UCLA Department of Medicine

The Future For
Geriatric Psychiatry

The field of geriatric psychiatry will gain new understandings about the causes of and treatments for late-life psychiatric disorders such as depression and dementia. This may come about through research using developing technologies such as genetics and functional neuroimaging.
