Families and caregivers play a significant role in the lives of their loved ones. AAGP’s resources below are designed to bring together a community of health care providers, administrators, patients and families in partnership to improve the quality, safety, experience and delivery of geriatric mental health care.

About Geriatric Psychiatry

Geriatric psychiatry is a psychiatric sub-specialty that focuses on the biological and psychological aspects of aging. The field is dedicated to understanding the psychiatric symptoms of acute and chronic physical illness, as well as the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and cognitive disorders in older people. Geriatric psychiatrists are committed to the improvement of psychiatric care for older adults.

Elderly patient chatting with nurse

Patient Education

The AAGP's Patient Education section provides the evidence-based information you need at the point of care. You'll find clinical guidance on common conditions, treatment, and care-giver resources and information.

Los Adultos Mayores y las Catástrofes: Preparación y Respuesta

Una Guía de Salud Mental Esta es una guía para…

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Older Adults and Disaster: Preparedness and Response

A Mental Health Care Guide A guide for older adults,…

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Aging and Alcohol Information Sheet

EPIDEMIOLOGY In the next 15-20 years the population of older…

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Supporting Patients and Caregivers

Connect with the top patient partners and obtain support and care information for patients with diverse needs.


Find a Geriatric Psychiatrist

Find a geriatric psychiatrist in your area to help you navigate
your patient needs or that of a loved one.