Patients are generally keen to understand and obtain more information about their medical conditions. AAGP promotes patient education and engagement through improvement in patients’ health literacy. Our members enable patients to have more accessible resources, knowledge, and interactions that promote health and well-being for older adults.
Patient Articles
AAGP provides patient equality by educating both patients and care providers to make informed choices. The educational process can be used to make informed health decisions.
Educational articles will aid in patients’ health literacy and understanding.

Coping with Depression and the Holidays Facts About Depression The Holidays After the Terrorist Attacks Nursing Home Residents For most of us, the holidays are a time to gather with…
Tabla de Contenidos: Comprendiendo y Reconociendo las Necesidades Especiales de las Familias y las Personas a Cargo del Paciente Cinco Reacciones en el Ajuste de la Familia Cuidando a la…
Initiative on Depression in Late Life Everyone feels sad or blue sometimes. It is a natural part of life. But when the sadness persists and interferes with everyday life, it…
Today, thoughts of aging gracefully have been replaced by efforts to age successfully. As we age and look forward to longer life expectancies than past generations, we strive to age…