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January 14, 2025

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Dear Members of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry,
As we welcome the new year, I reflect on the journey we've shared in 2024 and the road ahead. Let's begin by acknowledging the challenges faced by our Californian colleagues, patients, and families enduring life-changing wildfires. As geriatric mental health clinicians, we face our own set of challenges, as uncertainty looms large. We must recognize that our ability to adapt to these forces of change relies on taking time for our well-being. In this context, Past President Dilip Jeste's research tells us that self-reflection, acceptance of uncertainty, decisiveness in the face of uncertainty, and pro-social activity are among the tools at our disposal as we care for ourselves and others. (1) I encourage you to read a timely essay upcoming in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. Written by several past AAGP presidents, this insightful piece reminds us that we can strengthen our own resilience during uncertain times. (2) Read More

AAGP Slate of Nominees for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors Vote
The slate of nominees for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors was approved to move into a vote by AAGP Members. Voting members should have received an email from ElectionBuddy to vote on the candidates. The voting is opened until January 29th, 5PM CT. Please reach out if there are any questions or concerns or AAGP Executive Director,

Journal Club
Join us live on January 17, 2025, 3PM ET, for the AAGP quarterly Journal Club session sponsored by the AAGP Teaching and Training Committee. Ambrose Wong, MD, MSEd, MHS will be speaking on Racial, Ethnic, and Age-Related Disparities in Sedation and Restraint Use for Older Adults in the Emergency Department. This session promises to be insightful and engaging as we delve into the research conducted by Ambrose Wong, MD, MSEd, MHS. The esteemed authors have graciously agreed to present there work which was recently published (online ahead of print) in the American Journal of Geriatric in July 2024. Register using this link: Meeting Registration - Zoom

AAGP Annual Meeting —Phoenix, AZ
Join us March 14 – 17, 2025, Phoenix, AZ for the 2025 AAGP Annual Meeting! AAGP invites you to the premier event for geriatric psychiatry professionals. Our annual meeting offers you a front row seat to cutting edge research, innovative clinical practices, and inspiring discussion on "Human Rights and Mental Health Advocacy for Aging Adults."
  • You can expect
    • Engaging Educational Sessions: Explore a wide range of topics, from dementia and depression to ethics and cultural diversity,
    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, mentors, and industry leaders to expand your professional network
    • Inspiring Keynote Speakers: Hear from renowned experts who will share their insights and experiences
Register today for Early Bird Rates today – deadline is January 31, 2025. Use this link to register: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Clinical Case Conference
Join us January 24, 2025, 12PM ET for the upcoming Clinical Case Conference! You will expect open discussion among trainees, insight from experienced practitioners, and the opportunity to put your skills to practice. The speakers joining us are Dr. Mayra Guindin-Orama, a geriatric psychiatry fellow from Yale School of Medicine and will be presenting the clinical case and Dr. Nicolas Perez-Palmer, a geriatric psychiatrist faculty member from Yale School of Medicine and will be the faculty discussant and provide teaching points. Use this link to register: Meeting Registration - Zoom

Future Leaders Fellow Nominations — Membership Committee
AAGP Future Leaders Fellowships are bestowed upon 5 full members of AAGP (Psychiatrist and Non-Psychiatrists) who have provided evidence for active participation at the AAGP and are making exemplary contributions to the field of geriatric psychiatry as clinicians, educators, scholars, researchers, and/or as administrators. The fellowship lasts 1 year from March to March. Nominations/applications for this award are due Monday, February 3, 2025. To learn more about the Future Leaders Fellowship, please use the following link: Awards - American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

Membership Renewals
As 2024 has ended, it's time to renew your membership. We are grateful for your continued support and engagement with the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. Your membership with AAGP has allowed us to achieve many milestones and continue our mission of improving mental health care and wellness in aging adults. Your support has made a significant impact, and we are excited about the opportunities and initiatives we have planned for the coming year.

To renew your membership, please follow the steps below:
  1. Visit our website at
  2. Log in to your membership account using your credentials. If you have trouble logging in or you don't have your credentials, please use the following link: Trouble Login
  3. Click on the "Renew Membership" button at the bottom of the page
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the renewal process
Opt-In! Choose Auto-Renew for the future for hassle-free membership renewal! Select "check this box to automatically renew your membership annually" after choosing the membership type to renew.

Benefits of Membership:
  1. Access to Members-Only Website
  2. Discounted AAGP Annual Meeting Registration & AAGP Education
  3. Networking & Collaboration
  4. Electronic Journal Subscription – Print copies are still available at a discounted price of $95 for members! Visit our store link to purchase: American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Thank you for being part of our community and helping us make a difference. We hope to continue serving you and achieving our shared goals in the coming year.

New Members Meeting
Please join us for welcoming our new AAGP Members at the New Members Meeting hosted by the Membership Committee January 15, 2025, 6PM ET! Help us help them by letting them know as much as we can about AAGP and why it's so important to continue the work that we are doing!

Please join us on January 17, 2025 at 8 am Eastern Time for the next International Geriatric Mental Health Education Network Rounds:
Title: Why Old Men Choose Suicide So Often?

Professor Diego de Leo, AO, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCPE (hon.), FRANZCP

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry, Griffith University in Brisbane

Doctor of Science (Scientia Professor) in Psychogeriatrics and Suicidology

Past President, International Association for Suicide Prevention

Editor Emeritus, Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention

Initiator, World Suicide Prevention Day

Learning Objectives:
  1. Review the dimensions of the phenomenon 'Suicide in Late Life'
  2. Explore the Gender Paradox in suicidal behavior
  3. Discuss Critical Aspects and Protective Factors
  4. Understand how to screen suicide danger
  5. Consider treatment and prevention opportunities.
Click here to register:

Rounds are accredited. I-GeMH Education Network is a community of practice for clinicians supporting geriatric mental health. For questions, suggestions, or cross-promotion requests email us at:

Drs. Cindy Grief & Christopher Kitamura


3 psychological profiles could determine the evolution of mental, cognitive and brain health in aging
University of Barcelona via Medical Xpress
An international study published in the journal Nature Mental Health has identified three psychological profiles associated with different patterns of cognitive and brain decline in aging. Read More

Government seeks feedback on ageism in health care to optimize older adult health
McKnight's Senior Living
The federal government is asking the public's help in understanding the effects of ageism on health care services and outcomes for older adults to develop strategies and programs to optimize older adult health outcomes. Read More

Research highlights depression trends in community-dwelling older adults
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health via News Medical
Marked variation in the prevalence of depression was found in a multisite sample of community-dwelling older adults in the United States reports a study by Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. Until now, few studies, have examined the frequency of depression in community-dwelling older adults in the U.S. Read More

Pruritus: Diagnosing and treating older adults
In older individuals with pruritus, initial examinations should include complete blood cell count, liver function tests and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. Syphilis serology, HIV testing and beta-2 microglobulin levels are secondary evaluations. Renal function analysis may also be performed, and imaging may be required to investigate neoplasia. Read More

Observational study links home temperature to cognitive function in older adults
Hebrew SeniorLife Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research via Medical Xpress
A groundbreaking study has identified a significant relationship between indoor temperatures and cognitive performance in older adults, shedding light on how climate change may pose an increased risk to cognitive health. Read More

Dementia risk may be twice as high as americans live longer, study finds
NBC News
The risk of developing dementia may be much higher than previously thought, a study published in the journal Nature Medicine has found. Older studies estimated that about 14% of men and 23% of women would develop dementia in their lifetimes. The new study puts that estimate higher, at around 42% for both men and women. Read More

AAGP eNews
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
5034A Thoroughbred Lane | Brentwood, TN 37027
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Acacia Munoz
Executive Editor, Multiview
469-420-2652 | Contact me
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