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Featured Resources

AAGP Online Store
AAGP publishes a number of books and materials, as well as distributes select volumes from other publishers. The selection ranges from books, self assessments, and publications of ground-breaking research.
Self-assessment educational program designed with study questions, answers, and critiques based on current medical literature.
AAGP COVID-19 Online Trainee Curriculum
Modules created by members of the AAGP Teaching and Training Committee.
AAGP CME/CE Educational Webinars
FREE educational webinar series with available CME/CE credit hours.
AAGP 2024 Geriatric Psychiatry Review Course
Prepare for your medical geriatric psychiatry board exam with this in-depth CME program.
Corporate Advisory Partners
The AAGP Corporate Advisory Council provides a unique forum for leaders of the Association, Foundation, and industry to discuss the issues impacting older adults with mental illnesses and health care professionals in the field of geriatric psychiatry.